Gods of Olympus - who they were
The gods of Olympus exercised all power over people and decided about their existence, life or death. They drank divine nectar and ate ambrosia, which gave them immortality and beauty. There were twelve in all. The composition of the twelve was not always the same. In each source, the following were mentioned: Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon, Zeus. The other two places, depending on their sources, are supplemented by: Hades, Demeter, Dionysus and Hestia.

The question of her origin is presented differently in the myths. According to one of them, Aphrodite had no parents and one day she emerged from the sea foam near Cyprus. Hesiod presented it a little differently, who in Theogony wrote that when the genitals of Ouranos cut off with a sickle (defeated by Kronos when he was spreading out over Gaia like the sky above the earth) fell into the sea near Cyprus, the water surrounded them with a white foam, from which then emerged beautiful Aphrodite. She swam on the sea in a shell, stopping at the shores of Kytera and then Cyprus. The second of these islands became her favorite place. On its shore, the Charites were waiting for her: Eufrosyne, Aglaia and Talia, who from that moment accompanied and served her. It was Cyprus that became the main place of worship of the goddess.
In Greek mythology, referred to as the god of war, son of Zeus and Hera. Its equivalent in Roman mythology is. Unlike Athena, who is also a Greek deity of war, he does not patronize the craft of warfare and just combat, but the wickedness associated with war: conflict, destruction and cruelty. Ares is the patron of e.g. spies, executioners and ruthless commanders. The positive aspect, however, was the fact that it was Ares who taught humanity selfless heroism and true courage. He was able to bring peace, defend his homeland and social order. He is also the god of courage, bravery, the giver of strength, endurance, fighting spirit and anger control, able to send fear and cowardice

In Greek mythology, the third daughter of Kronos and Rhea, wife of Zeus. According to some sources, Hera was the third wife of the ruler of the gods, after Metis (Metis) and Themis. She was also the queen of Olympus, the goddess of heaven and fertility, the patroness of motherhood, the guardian of marriage, beauty and family, and the sister of Zeus. Its equivalent in Roman mythology is Juno.
source of information:
https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ares_(mitologia) https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hera https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrodyta
source of images:
https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ares_(mitologia)#/media/Plik:Ares_Argentina_Montemartini.jpg https://mitologia-grecka.fandom.com/pl/wiki/Afrodyta https://greekreporter.com/2022/06/18/hera-ancient-greek-mythology/
author: Anna Kuchta
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