Zwierzęta w Mitologi Greckiej - Animals in Greek Mythology

Dzik - Boar

Calydonian boar (Greek: καλυδώνιος κάπρος kalydṓnios kápros or ὗς καλυδώνιος Hŷs kalydṓnios, Latin: aper calydonius or hus calydonius) – in Greek mythology, a huge boar, which Art Aemis sent the king of Calidon, Oeneus (in Aetolia), to the lands, who did not make the sacrifice due to her . Meleager organized a hunt for a boar that caused enormous damage. Ultimately, the boar fell prey to Meleagra, although the first arrow that hit it came from Atalanta’s bow, for which Meleager later singled her out, which became the reason for his conflict with his family.
Koń- Horse
Pegasus (Greek: Πήγασος Pḗgasos, Latin: Pegasus) – in Greek mythology, a winged horse born from the blood of Medusa after she was killed by Perseus. He lived near the source of Pirene on Acrocorinth, where he was encountered by Bellerophon, who, using a golden bit received from Athena, managed to tame the horse. With his help, he defeated the Chimera, intending to then rise on its back to the top of Olympus. On the way, however, he was knocked down by Zeus and only Pegasus reached Olympus, from then on serving Zeus, who after his death transferred him to the sky as a constellation. Considered a symbol of poetic and artistic inspiration, because the blow of his hoof was supposed to open a source of inspiration – Hippocrene – on Mount Helikon (one of the residences of the muses). Currently, many companies use the image of Pegasus as a logo.

Lew- Lion

The Lion of Cathayron – in Greek mythology, a huge and fierce lion, who was probably fathered by the Chimera with Orthros. He lived in the Cathayron Mountains, which separated Attica and Boeotia, where he wreaked havoc on the sheep flocks of Amphitryon and his neighbor, the Boeotian king Thespios. Heracles, then eighteen years old, abandoned the flocks he was guarding and set out to kill the lion. The beast had a hiding place on Mount Helikon, at the foot of which was the city of Thespie. The hero hunted him for fifty days, and spent the nights in the palace of King Thespias, who offered him hospitality. On the fiftieth day, he managed to track down the lion. He killed him with an unbarked club cut from a wild olive tree that he had uprooted on Helicon. He made a covering of its skin and wore the lion’s head on his head as a helmet. There is a myth according to which the lion of Cathayron was killed by Alkatoos, son of Pelops. He was the son-in-law of King Megareus, who had two sons, the older of whom died at Aphidnai during the Dioscuri invasion of Attica, and the younger, Euippus, was killed by a lion from Cathayron. Megareus promised to give Euaechme’s daughter in marriage and the throne to whoever would avenge Euippus. Alkatoos killed the lion and, sitting on the throne, built a temple in Megara for Apollo the Hunter and Artemis the Huntress.
Pies- Dog
Cerberus (Greek: Κέρβερος Kérberos, Latin: Cerberus) – in Greek mythology, a huge three-headed dog guarding the entrance to the world of the dead. In some versions of the myth, he also has a snake instead of a tail. He was considered the son of Echidna and Typhon and the brother of the Sphinx, Hydra and Chimera [note needed] and Orthros. Hesiod (Theogony, 311) depicted him as a beast “with a voice of bronze and fifty heads.” Only in later accounts did Cerberus have three, two, or even just one head. He stayed near the Styx because it was frequented by souls transported by Charon after death; trying to leave Hades, Cerberus bit with its poisonous teeth. He also did not allow the living into Hades, but Orpheus placated him by singing and playing the lyre. Sibyl, leading Aeneas, lulled Cerberus to sleep with a cake with poppy seeds and honey (Virgil, Aeneid VI, 417-25). According to later tradition, the monster also attacked the dead who came to the underworld, so honey cake was served for them during burial. Taming him and bringing him to earth was the last of the twelve labors of Heracles (Hercules). Cerberus appears in ancient sculpture and vase painting. In the myth of the 12 Labors of Heracles, he was depicted as a three-headed dog covered with snake scales. Nowadays, Cerberus appears in culture in the animated film Hercules produced by Walt Disney Pictures.

Ptak- Bird

The giant Caucasian eagle is an eagle appearing in Greek mythology, being the son of the monsters Typhon and Echidna; according to another version, it was supposed to be a bronze robot constructed by the god of fire, blacksmiths and goldsmiths Hephaestus. According to Greek myths, the Titan Prometheus created man from clay mixed with tears and gave him his soul from divine fire, a few sparks of which he stole from the chariot of the Sun god Helios. However, humans were much weaker than the Titans – seeing this, Prometheus smuggled fire to humans in a piece of wood. The Titan did this even though he knew it was against the will of the highest of the gods, Zeus, who considered fire to be the privilege of the gods. Enraged, Zeus ordered Prometheus to be tied to the rocks of the Caucasus; Every day at sunrise a Caucasian eagle flew there and ate Prometheus’ liver, which grew back throughout the rest of the day and night. Zeus’ goal was the endless torment of Prometheus. The Caucasian eagle ate the titan’s liver for many years until it was finally killed by an arrow shot from a bow by Heracles (known as Hercules in Roman mythology) while performing one of his twelve labors: bringing apples from the garden of the Hesperides. Prometheus regained freedom, the dead Caucasian eagle was placed in the constellation Aquila and the arrow that killed the bird was placed in the constellation Arrow.

Wykonał/ Made by: Jakub Sobczak
Zespół Szkół Centrum Kształcenia Praktycznego w Sochaczewie
źródła/ sources: wikipedia
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